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News | 16-01-2025 16:34

The winner for the 2025 Weizenbaum Award is Frances Grodzinsky, Professor Emerita of the Sacred Heart University, US. Her research interests are Computer Ethics, Software Engineering, Systems Analysis and Design, Networking, and Human Computer Interaction. Her research focuses on issues related to society and technology. She has presented internationally on topics such as autonomous agency, open source, privacy, intellectual property and the responsibility of software developers.

News | 12-12-2024 13:37

The Institute for Technology and Society (ITS) invites researchers, students, and professionals to apply for the ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program 2025. Now in its 9th edition, the Program has hosted fellows from various countries, united by a shared interest in the intersections of technology and Law.

News | 25-11-2024 20:43

The International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)/Joseph Weizenbaum Award in Information and Computer Ethics is awarded every two years to an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of information and computer ethics through his/her research, service, and vision. The recipient’s work should have broad professional, theoretical or societal impact.

News | 22-11-2024 17:50

Republication from

News | 19-07-2024 12:48

The Committee for the selection of the 2024-2025 Fellowships (Maria Bottis, INSEIT Director, Keith Miller, INSEIT President and Herman Tavani INSEIT ex-President of INSEIT) awarded by the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology, has announced that three Fellowships will be awarded for the academic year 2024-2025.

News | 17-01-2024 10:40

INSEIT Fellowships will be awarded for one academic year, September 2024-August 2025.

News | 11-01-2024 14:17

Save the dates for the next Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry conference (CEPE) 2025 in ROME, Italy, on September 24-26, 2025.

News | 19-04-2023 12:36

The Center for Digital Ethics at Yale University, directed by Prof. Luciano Floridi, is recruiting full-time, postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers, from a variety of backgrounds, to join this multidisciplinary center newly established at Yale, to investigate the Governance, Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (GELSI) of digital technologies.

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Contact Information

INSEIT’s institutional support comes from the Ionian University - IHRC research team

Mailing Address:
IHRC-Ionian University,
School of Information Science
72 Ioannou Theotoki Street
Corfu 49100

c/o Keith Miller, Professor
UMSL, College of Education
1 University Boulevard
201 Education Admin. Building
St Louis MO 63121-4400
tel. (314) 516 4970

(t) +30 26610 87426
(f) +30 26610 46846

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