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Three INSEIT fellowships awarded for 2024-2025

News | 19-07-2024 12:48

The Committee for the selection of the 2024-2025 Fellowships (Maria Bottis, INSEIT Director, Keith Miller, INSEIT President and Herman Tavani INSEIT ex-President of INSEIT) awarded by the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology, has announced that three Fellowships will be awarded for the academic year 2024-2025.

In particular, the first recipient is Thomas Papikinos, MSc., mentored by Assoc. Professor Themis Exarchos. Thomas Papikinos, a PhD candidate and a member of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory (BIHELAB), directed by Professor Panayiotis Vlamos, will work on computational drug repurposing and ethics.

The second recipient is Ioanna Mazi, MSc., mentored by Professor Ioannis Deliyannis. Ioanna Mazi is a PhD candidate at the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University. She will work on the use of Artificial Intelligence in personalized content design with applications in education and tourism and ethics.

The third recipient is Konstantinos Konstantis, a PhD candidate at the National Kapodestrian University of Athens, who will work with Professor Aristotle Tympas on engineering and AI ethics.

The Fellowships consist of an award of 1.000 US dollars. In September 2025, they will present the end result of their work in the Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry (CEPE) international conference, organized by the University of Tor Vergata, INSEIT and IHRC, in Rome. The conference site is


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