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News | 08-05-2020 14:17

The AI + Society Initiative at the University of Ottawa is seeking four postdoctoral fellows for 2020-2021.

News | 10-03-2020 15:26

The ITS Fellowship Program is offering the opportunity for foreign researchers, students, and professionals interested in internet and technology policy to deepen their knowledge about the Brazilian technology environment.

News | 26-02-2020 16:49

The CPR LATAM conference brings together academics, civil society, and public and private sector leaders from across Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss key issues facing the development of digital infrastructure and information ecosystems in the region. The 14th CPR LATAM conference will be held June 1-2, 2020 in the Mexico City, Mexico.

News | 24-02-2020 12:39

The University of Ottawa Centre for Law, Technology and  Society will host We Robot 2020 from April 2nd to 4th. To encourage a global and diverse conversation on robotics and AI law, ethics and policy, we are excited to announce two funding opportunities: the Microsoft Emerging We Robot Scholars, and the IDRC-We Robot Global Voices Fellows for scholars from the Global South!

News | 21-02-2020 12:56

The Brazilian Telecoms Regulator ANATEL has explicitly and officially recognized Community Networks as an option for Internet access in Brazil.

News | 18-02-2020 10:18

The 11th Iberian Conference on African Studies CIEA will take place in Lisbon in 2020 from 2 to 4 July, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. It will be held by the Center for History of the University of Lisbon (CH-ULisboa).

News | 17-02-2020 14:45

Two PhD opportunities are available with the EU Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP). The PhDs will be based at De Montfort University (DMU) in Leicester, UK, at the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR), a research centre focusing on ethical and social issues of information and communication technology.

News | 14-02-2020 11:50

It is announced that the Latin American edition of the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) conference will be held at Fundação Getulio Vargas, in Rio de Janeiro, from the 23rd to 25th of June 2020.

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Contact Information

INSEIT’s institutional support comes from the Ionian University - IHRC research team

Mailing Address:
IHRC-Ionian University,
School of Information Science
72 Ioannou Theotoki Street
Corfu 49100

c/o Keith Miller, Professor
UMSL, College of Education
1 University Boulevard
201 Education Admin. Building
St Louis MO 63121-4400
tel. (314) 516 4970

(t) +30 26610 87426
(f) +30 26610 46846

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