Engaging the Future Responsibly
October 2-4, 2014, Hosted by the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY
Call For Papers: Extended to August 15, 2014
Anthony Beavers, professor of philosophy and director of cognitive science at the University of Evansville, was presented with the 2012 World Technology Award in Ethics this past Tuesday night at a special ceremony held at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City.
It is with great honor that INSEIT announces the 2012-2013 Weizenbaum Award Winner: Dr. Luciano Floridi.
Following a 10-year period of formal and informal collaboration between several researchers, the establishment of the Society for the Philosophy of Information (SPI, [1]) inaugurates the next phase in the development of the philosophy of information as an independent and self-sustained philosophical field.
Mariarosaria Taddeo awarded the 2013 World Technology Award in Ethics.
Computer Ethics, Philosophical Enquiry 2014: In collaboration with Ethicomp. June 22-27. This joint event will be held in Les Cordeliers, in the Quertier Latin. CERNA will be the host.
Maria Bottis named INSEIT Co-Director, effective January 2014.
Elections Results: The 2014-2018 INSEIT Executive Board includes Anthony Beavers, Michael Nagenborg, and Judith Simon.