Abstracts are invited for the workshop “The Ethics of Data Science: The Landscape for the Alan Turing Institute”. This event is being organised as part of a series of activities promoted by the Alan Turing Institute (ATI) in order to define the national and international landscape around data science and to support the ATI’s scientific programme.
In the INSEIT board meeting of 22.6.2015, Maria Bottis was appointed as (the sole) Director of INSEIT, after Elizabeth Buchanan stepped down, following many years of excellent service.
Philosophical and ethical enquiries about information technologies, computing, and artificial intelligence have acquired a focal place in the academic and societal debate on the design, development and deployment of technological artefacts. Papers submission: 2 February 2015 15 February 2015
Questions of appropriate online behavior, surveillance, regulation, and governance have grown in importance. Indeed, cyberethics has emerged as a distinct area of inquiry. The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law invites new manuscripts in this rapidly evolving domain.
Deborah Johnson is the 2015 recipient of the Weizenbaum Award for her life-long contributions to information and computer ethics.
2 October 2015 - Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Call for Proposals: Conference hosting, of joint CEPE-ETHICOMP conferences, to be held in Spring 2017 or Summer 2017.
Short bio of the CEPE 2015 keynote speaker Frances Grodzinsky.