If you are interested in ethics and technology please apply, the position is completely open to a large spectrum of research interests and expertise.
Call for Tracks: Ethicomp/CEPE 2017, Università degli Studi di Torino (University of Turin), Turin, Italy, May, 2017
Members of the Board were elected Johny Hatrz Soraker and Richard Volkman.
Philip Brey elected as President of INSEIT. Members of the Board were elected Johny Hatrz Soraker and Richard Volkman.
Abstracts are now accepted until October 15, 2015 for the 7th International Conference of Information Law and Ethics
In Pretoria, South Africa, on February 22, 23 2016.
In the INSEIT board meeting of 22.6.2015, Maria Bottis was appointed as (the sole) Director of INSEIT, after Elizabeth Buchanan stepped down, following many years of excellent service.
Philosophical and ethical enquiries about information technologies, computing, and artificial intelligence have acquired a focal place in the academic and societal debate on the design, development and deployment of technological artefacts. Papers submission: 2 February 2015 15 February 2015
Questions of appropriate online behavior, surveillance, regulation, and governance have grown in importance. Indeed, cyberethics has emerged as a distinct area of inquiry. The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law invites new manuscripts in this rapidly evolving domain.