Call for Abstracts // Twentyforty (EU Hub and HIIG)
News | 26-01-2019 13:29
The European Hub of the NoC and the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) in Berlin invite submissions for the essay competition twentyforty – utopias for a digital society. We are looking for radical and thought-provoking visions on what society will look like in 2040.
Therefore we ask researchers to develop their utopias for a digital society along one of the five five topics:
Learn. How will we learn in future? How will we teach? What will schools and universities look like?
Love. How will we get to know people? How will we stay in touch? What will parenting, relationships, and love affairs look like?
Live. How will we stay healthy and what will we eat? What will our homes look like? How will we communicate?
Work. How will we work in the future? Where will we work? What will factories, offices and jobs look like?
Rule. How will states interact in the international arena? How will conflicts be resolved in the future?
In a first step, we ask for short abstracts of 1,000 words. Afterwards, ten authors will be invited for a one-week writing sprint (full expenses covered) to Berlin where they can finalise their essays under the guidance of storytelling experts.
You can submit your idea until 4 March, 2019 at: