A letter to an INSEIT fellow, announcing her INSEIT fellowship, July 2008
News | 09-06-2016 14:30To: Mariarosaria Taddeo
From: Elizabeth Buchanan and Herman Tavani
CC: Luciano Floridi
Re: INSEIT Fellows Program
18 July 2008
Dear Mariarosaria,
On behalf of the INSEIT Fellows Program Adjudication Committee, I am pleased to inform you that your proposal for the 2008-09 Fellows award has been approved. As a Fellow, you will work with Professor Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire, where he holds the Research Chair in Philosophy of Information. He is also Fellow by Special Election of St Cross College, University of Oxford.
Your appointment is based on the following terms. The Fellow position begins September 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009. You will receive a complimentary INSEIT membership. You should initiate communication with Professor Floridi, at the following email address, and communicate your plans for the year. Professor Floridi will provide you with scholarly advice, suggestions for publication, and will serve as a sounding board as you progress into the field of information and computer ethics. We would appreciate you using an email signature line that indicates “International Society of Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT) Fellow, 2008-09,” http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SOIS/cipr/inseit_fellows.htm. Pairs are expected to maintain regular communication; in the event one party does not fulfill his/her responsibilities, the stipend will not be issued to that individual. We expect you will work towards preparing a paper or conference proceeding, as well as submit a brief paper for the INSEIT web site and newsletter by August 1, 2009. Pairs are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal for the CEPE, Ethicomp, or other relevant conference. You and Professor Floridi can communicate about possible opportunities. You will also receive a stipend of $250 US.
We are confident this experience will be beneficial and we wish you the best during your year as INSEIT Fellow.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Herman or myself.
Best regards,
Elizabeth Buchanan, Ph.D. Herman Tavani, Ph.D.
Co-Director, INSEIT President, INSEIT
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Rivier College
Mentor: Luciano Floridi: luciano.floridi@philosophy.ox.ac.uk
Fellow: Mariarosaria Taddeo: mariarosariataddeo@gmail.com