Frances Grodzinsky is the Winner of the 2025 Weizenbaum Award
News | 16-01-2025 16:34
The International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT)/Joseph Weizenbaum Award in Information and Computer Ethics is awarded every two years to an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of information and computer ethics through his/her research, service, and vision. The recipient’s work should have broad professional, theoretical or societal impact.
The winner for the 2025 Weizenbaum Award is Frances Grodzinsky, Professor Emerita of the Sacred Heart University, US. Her research interests are Computer Ethics, Software Engineering, Systems Analysis and Design, Networking, and Human Computer Interaction. Her research focuses on issues related to society and technology. She has presented internationally on topics such as autonomous agency, open source, privacy, intellectual property and the responsibility of software developers.
Dr Grodzinsky, a long time and founding member of INSEIT will deliver the Weizenbaum Address at the Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiries Conference in Rome, September 2025.