Rogerson Simon

Simon Rogerson’s early career was in industry as a technical software developer and manager. In 1983, he moved into academia but maintained his industrial links through consultancy and work with professional bodies including IMIS, BCS and ACM.
He became Europe’s first Professor in Computer Ethics in 1998 and in 2010 became lifetime Professor Emeritus. He was the founding Director of the Centre for Computing & Social Responsibility (CCSR) at De Montfort University, UK, launched in 1995 at the first ETHICOMP conference which he conceived and co-directed until 2013. He was the founder and editor until December 2021 of the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
His most important research focused on providing rigorously grounded practical tools and guidance to computing practitioners. He has been instrumental in stimulating international awareness and action regarding the ethical and social impacts of digital technology. For his leadership and research achievements in the computer and information ethics interdisciplinary field he was awarded the fifth IFIP-WG9.2 Namur Award in 2000 and the ACM SIGCAS Making a Difference Award in 2005.
He is the author of the World's first Ethical Digital Technology trilogy comprising The Evolving Landscape of Ethical Digital Technology (2021), Ethical Digital Technology in Practice (2022) and Imagine! Ethical Digital Technology for Everyone (2023). The trilogy, published by Taylor and Francis, explores the landscape of digital technology from a social-impact perspective. The contrasting approaches in the three books allow access to this landscape by everyone; academics, practitioners and the public at large, regardless of age.
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