Mitrou Lilian

Associate Professor
University of the Aegean-Greece (Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering).
Dr. Lilian Mitrou is Associate Professor at the University of the Aegean-Greece (Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering) and Visiting Assistant Professor at the Athens University of Economics and at the University of Piraeus (Postgraduate Studies Program). She teaches information law and data protection law. L. Mitrou holds a PhD in Data Protection (University of Frankfurt-Germany). Her thesis concerned the so-called institutional control of data processing and more specifically the Data Protection Models and Authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany and France. She has served as a Member of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (1999-2003). From 1998 till 2004 she was the national representative in the EC- Committee on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data. She served and still serves as member of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of privacy and data protection, communications law, e-government etc. Recently she drafted the Law 3861/10 on the online publication of regulatory and governmental acts and decisions (Diavgeia) and the Law 3970/11 on the Electronic Governance. Her professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions on national and international level. Her research interests include: Privacy and Data Protection; e-Democracy and eGovernment services, Internet Law. L. Mitrou published books and chapters in books (in Greek, German and English) and many journal and conference papers.
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