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Elder Alexis

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Assistant Professor

UMD - College of Liberal Arts

Dr. Elder is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at UMD. She works in Ethics, Social Philosophy, Metaphysics (especially social ontology), Philosophy of Technology, and Moral Psychology. She tends to draw on ancient philosophy - primarily Chinese and Greek - in order to think about current problems. Teaching interests include a variety of courses in applied ethics, where she enjoys working with students to explore the many ways philosophical issues can crop up in practical concerns. When she's not philosophizing, she's usually exploring the great outdoors, cooking, knitting, hanging out with her dogs, or playing tabletop games

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Contact Information

INSEIT’s institutional support comes from the Ionian University - IHRC research team

Mailing Address:
IHRC-Ionian University,
School of Information Science
72 Ioannou Theotoki Street
Corfu 49100

c/o Keith Miller, Professor
UMSL, College of Education
1 University Boulevard
201 Education Admin. Building
St Louis MO 63121-4400
tel. (314) 516 4970

(t) +30 26610 87426
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