CEPE 2019: 28–30 May, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia, USA [Deadline Extended]
Events | 19-10-2018 13:44
CEPE (Computer Ethics—Philosophical Enquiry) [https://sites.wp.odu.edu/cepe2019/] is a leading international conference and has played a significant role in defining the field since its first event in 1997. CEPE is held biennially, and is organized by INSEIT (the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology). For CEPE 2019, the conference theme will be Risk and Cybersecurity. We encourage submissions on this theme, but welcome submissions on any topic related to ethics and computers.
Submissions will be accepted through EasyChair, https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cepe2019. We request English-language extended abstracts of 500–800 words, not including references, prepared for double-blind review. Multiple submissions from a single author are welcome, but acceptance of multiple papers by the same author will be weighed against available program space. Publication in conference proceedings will be offered after the conference—for eligibility, full papers should be no more than 8000 words, and should not be previously published. Journal special issues will also be organized; participating journals will contact potential contributors separately. Enquiries may be directed to cepe2019 [at] easychair [dot] org.
Abstracts due: 22 October 2018 Extended to November 19th
Notice of acceptance/rejection: Early March, 2019
Conference: May 28–30, 2019